Midi Fighter Guitar hero controller?
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    Default Midi Fighter Guitar hero controller?

    Hello all! I'm an absolute n00b at traktor as far as all its special features and especially mapping. I want to map a guitar hero controller and I know exactly what I want for the most part, but I have NO CLUE on how to do it, so I come to ask you good sirs, If you can help me out.

    I want a midi fighter, But alas Im broke, so I remember seeing something saying that you can use a Guitar hero controller to use in Traktor. Now I have the Basics of mapping down. I understand the basics, but I want to map this controller ala midi fighter and have no clue how to do it.

    I see it's been done before (kind of). I want to take the 5 guitar hero buttons, and KINDA set them up like buttons on the midi fighter controller. I dont know how to set up the buttons to emulate a midi figther.

    Now before you all yell "Just save up for a midi fighter", The main difference is I want it to have the strum bar be kind of an effects modifier that creates a really cool differences in sound and will drastically change the sound of the effects and the goal here is to ultimately have more functionality (to a degree) than a normal midi fighter mapping.

    I dont need help getting the controller recognized by traktor, I already have that down pat.

    So I have 11 buttons (using 360 corded controller), Im not using the whammy bar. I want the start and select buttons to change between button layouts and use one as shift (and I want shift to stay active unless you press it again) so I can ultimately have 36 buttons to play with. That's 18 between the two different modes I wish to enable. 9 of these will be the "default" and when you hit Shift it will enable a whole new set of effects layouts.

    2 of those buttons will be modifiers mapped to the strum bar that change the effects up. Since the strum bar sends out the same signal as up and down on the D pad, the other two buttons on the D Pad (left and right) can be mapped to lesser used effects like freeze or something. The other 5 buttons will be the 5 buttons on the neck of the guitar controller.

    I'm sure if any creative mappers out there would be willing to help out, they can help me get more function out of the mapping...

    The controller's signal is sent out to these buttons to be recognized in traktor:


    Up, Down, Left, Right

    QWRET Represents the 5 buttons on the neck of the controller (The controller's signal sends out the third key in the place of the 4th key, and vice versa in order to enable maximum amount of button combos)

    Up and Down are mapped to the D pad on the side of the controller as well as the strum bar, Down will be the most used modifying effect, Up will be least used, but I still want to use it quite a bit If they could drastically effect the song while working together with each other, would be cool.

    Left and right are two effects that cant be depressed at the same time, and will be two seldom used effects, but effects that can be combined with the others on the 5 buttons.

    The Y and U represent the start and select keys on the controller. I want them to be like a shift key and one key to change between the button layouts, kind of like the Focus/deck buttons on the MF Pros.

    So if you enable shift commands for the 5 main buttons with the button U that gives us 10 possible button commands per command set. Y would be used to toggle between effects sets.

    Would it be possible to hit the "change focus button" and then shift, change focus to get even more functionality out of the controller?

    Anyways, you see I got a great Idea, I know what I want to do but ultimately I just lack the knowledge and experience to make it happen. Im not asking any body to do this for me, Im just looking for help along the way. I am experimenting with a few things now but im not getting where I need to be and am confused on how I can map these functions to the controller.

    Please help?

    Using win7 and TP2 btw.


    I found someone's post who took the midifighter mappings and ported them to a USB keyboard for a two deck MF set up.

    I still had all the crap my computer from when I tried it myself. I accidently opened Bome's midi Translator and now it's translating the keys on my computer to midi notes, which are now being read by traktor.

    Anyways, Im getting amazing fun results Using the instant gratification mapping with the guitar controller. So Im already making progress, even though it's by accident.

    Anyways, If you guys want to turn your guitar hero controller into a midi fighter (though this is only a portion of my ultimate mapping goal) Download X mapper for 10 bucks (I think you can download older versions for free).

    Map the guitar keys to these keystrokes in Xmapper:

    5 keys on the neck: J (green) K (red) L (yellow) ; (blue) / (orange)

    D Pad: M (up) , (Down) . (left) o (right)

    Then for start and select, I mapped them to P and U. It really doesnt matter where you map these.

    Then go to this thread and it'll explain where and how to download Bome, and download the 2 deck TSI file.


    Import the TSI, open Bome. Bome will translate what would be the keystrokes on the guitar to midi notes like on the midi fighter. Traktor will now read your guitar like a midi fighter using the instant gratification mapping.

    Here is the Instant Grat Mapping chart:

    Here is the chart that Shows you what the midifighter buttons the keyboard keys are mapped to emulate (the one on the right are they keys for the Inst Grat mapping we are using):


    If you have a spare USB Guitar hero controller, do not hesitate to try this. It's pretty fun.

    Update 2, Video:


    Update 3:

    Alright so Im getting better at this mapping thing. I still have no clue about the modifiers and am still looking for some help, but pretty much I got the strum bar controlling the fx values and the buttons controlling a few different presets.
    Last edited by Youhow2; 12-21-2011 at 08:11 PM.

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