DJTT S4 Mapping Thread - Page 22
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  1. #211
    Tech Convert
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    thanks scamo, i will mess around this weekend and see what i can come up with.

  2. #212
    Tech Convert
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    Jan 2012


    Mapping worked great, excellent fun. But how do I revert to the default mapping?

  3. #213
    DJTT Admin Scammer scamo's Avatar
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    Um, you sent me an email about my mapping. For this mapping the process to revert is a bit different.

    You must delete the DJTT S4 mapping in the Controller Manager then select the default with the left pull-down menu. You'll have to go through the picklists of mappings to get to the default mapping. (sorry, I don't have Traktor open to be more descriptive)

    Skooppa - the revolution is beginning!

    You want the best FX jogs on the S4? Then try this mapping!

    Our Mixes: Mixcloud - Soundcloud
    Hehe...yeah. We're just beginning.

  4. #214
    Tech Mentor trilla_shocka's Avatar
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    Hi all,

    I think this has been discussed before... but is there a way to ENABLE the filters to work with the DJTT S4 Custom Mapping? It seems for the moment at least that this mapping is no longer supported. I know at times this mapping seems to have a mind of its own, but lately I haven't come into any troubles. Would love to use the filters if possible.

  5. #215
    Tech Convert BPSS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlackSails View Post
    Along with the previously mentioned issues, my light for hotcue 1 no longer lights up when there's a hotcue placed.

  6. #216
    Tech Convert BPSS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capicva View Post
    Has anyone tried this with two turntables? Vinyl control + DJTTS4 Mapping seems like a good combo...

    I'd try it myself, but I don't have turntables yet...
    Try scratching using the slicer on sample button 1. Ridiculous stuttered scratches that I've never heard before.

  7. #217
    Tech Convert BPSS's Avatar
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    I've been using this mapping since literally the first moment I used my S4 about 2 months ago & for the most part have been having great success with it. I play at least 6 gigs a month using it & have had zero gig ruining problems though I've had a few marginally annoying/confusing ones.
    Aside from the other problems stated, I have a few odd problems that no one seems to be reporting. (though only sometimes [once per gig or less] & haven't been able to consistently reproduce these glitches)
    1. Occasionally the left wheel effect (when in fx mode) will remain the gate effect from sample button 3 regardless of which sample button I press OR the Slicer effect in sample button 1 (again, this only happens on the left) will apparently turn the effect on but no effect is audible.
    2. Also, from time to time, if I use the Browse mode button on the S4 instead of hitting space bar to expand the browser, the button ceases to work but space bar will still expand/shrink the browser.

    I have no problems whatsoever going back & forth between fx mode & the standard jog mode.
    I'm also rather fond of not having to hit shift to scroll thru my tune with the loop move knob.

    I have experienced the incompatibility problems associated with instant gratification fx to the degree that I had to cease use of my midifighter mapped launchpad altogether. I understand that this has more to do with Traktor than either mapping but damn I miss those super combos!

    Even with my issues this mapping has become a standard part of my rig & I have to say, had I paid for it, I would still be very satisfied.
    Thanks to Ean & the DJTT staff!

  8. #218
    Tech Wizard LesterEsquire's Avatar
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    Just installed Eans mapping and after a night and a half of using it cant really complain! ive read some of the know issues here and like BPSS said sometimes the gate effect on sample button 3 stays on but that has happened twice over the course of maybe 4-5 hours of mixing. One minor thing ive noticed is i do get some audio pops or hicups i think its its putting alot of load on my laptop should maybe adjust my latency unless someone else could maybe let me know what is causing this, the load meter is not even close to the red when im mixing so i was not sure if that was the case. Also im not using the most recent update of Traktor and i will try out Scamos mapping soon, just learning this one a bit first as this is the first time ive used a different mapping then the default one but it has opened alot of windows!

  9. #219


    ive been using this since it came out and haven't had any problems at all with it. only one thing i don't like is when im in a loop i cant move the loop less then 1 beat. ie ifits on 1/2 beat and i try to move it, it still moves 1 beat in stead of 1/2 anyone else have this problem?

  10. #220
    Tech Convert
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    watching this video about creating sweep effects, running on TP2 for the s4 and i map the knob but when i go to choose what type of button, it only leaves the option for knob/fader. Any way of changing it to button?

    edit: I also have a hercules RMX and when modifying the midi mapping in tp2, i'm able to use a knob in that case as a button, so i think it just has to do with the s4, any ideas?
    Last edited by viccyran; 04-23-2012 at 11:54 AM.

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