Finally started this project a couple of days ago.
The plan is to make some cases for my Technics sl1200's and my M-Audio Xponent.
Here are a few sketchup renders of what i want to build.
Finally started this project a couple of days ago.
The plan is to make some cases for my Technics sl1200's and my M-Audio Xponent.
Here are a few sketchup renders of what i want to build.
The first step was to make 3 box's and then to cut them in half to create a base and lid.
Next i cut the panels for the acade buttons and knobs.
I couldn't resist popping those buttons in to see what it would look like.
Next step was to fix the arcade panel in place and to route some holes in the back for all the connections.
Awesome project! I look forward to seeing more of it.
I take it you are a Torq user, but what midi control will you be using for your 1200 case buttons and knobs?
MBP 10.6; Itch 2.2; Novation Twitch; TP 2.x; MF Classic; Ultrasone DJ1 Pro
Apogee Duet 2; Reason; Ableton 8; 49SL MkII; Maschine Mikro; Launchpad
Just done a test fit and everything fits nice and snug.
More pictures coming soon
Tried torq when i first got my Xponent but soon after switched to Traktor.I take it you are a Torq user, but what midi control will you be using for your 1200 case buttons and knobs?
I will be using 2 modded usb gamepads for the buttons and knobs.
Oh and thanks for the comments
so you're using the xponent as a midi-mixer basically? use the extra buttons for pitch bending, looping, fx etc?
i wrote the xponent off back when i swithed from torq to traktor but now i see the amount of buttons and me likey. i'm still a bit leary of the quality and considering the vci is about the same price. but this layout allows for a good amount of control.
sorry for heading off topic there. i really like the looks of the project so far.
Yes that is the you're using the xponent as a midi-mixer basically? use the extra buttons for pitch bending, looping, fx etc?
Money is tight so ive got to use what ive got.
When ive finished these cases im gonna give the xponent a new spray job to match my decks.
Also i ordered extra knobs same as the ones in the photos to replace the Xponent knobs.
Last edited by extraclassic; 06-18-2010 at 10:38 AM.
MBP 10.6; Itch 2.2; Novation Twitch; TP 2.x; MF Classic; Ultrasone DJ1 Pro
Apogee Duet 2; Reason; Ableton 8; 49SL MkII; Maschine Mikro; Launchpad