Historically, the biggest convention for the DJ and production industry is NAMM, the National Association of Music Manufacturers. NAMM usually takes place in the middle of January every year in Anaheim, California. For 2021, NAMM was cancelled – and now the news has come out that in 2022, NAMM will be pushed back even further to June.
The last time that I was in Anaheim was January, 2020 (see our coverage here, heh) and all in attendance were blissfully unaware about the rollercoaster that the industry was about to experience due to COVID-19. Who would have known that the live events industry was about to almost completely shut down for a year?

There’s a few interesting points to come out of the NAMM Show’s announcement that they’re moving to new June dates – specifically June 3-5th, 2022.
- First, what happens to product cycles built around the NAMM convention? I’ve been saying for years that companies should seek to disconnect themselves from the NAMM release cycle, when there is so much noise that it’s hard to be noticed. Some companies like Roland and Native Insturments have long been advocates of “doing their own thing” outside of NAMM, but for smaller companies, the attention, media, and buyers at the show can be invaluable.
- What about the Summer NAMM Show? The Summer edition of NAMM usually takes place in Nashville each year, but this time, the two conventions are combined into one. Perhaps this is for the best – unless you’re a business based close to Nashville!
- What about lodging and weather? Ok, this one doesn’t impact most readers of DJTT, but many people in the industry have to contend with the practicalities of the convention. In January, Southern California for most out-of-towners (almost all of NAMM) is a delightful warm break from everywhere else in the northern hemisphere. In June, it can be a lot warmer, hot, and humid. It also happens to be high summer vacation season – and with Disneyland just a block away from the Convention Center, it’s sure to push heavy pressure on the already insanely priced lodging in the area.
- Summer is hard to fit in a schedule! Many music industry employees and performers rely on summer events for business and pleasure – so putting a convention in June isn’t the easiest thing to add to musicians’ schedules.
All that said, I love that NAMM is adapting to the realities of holding a convention during an ongoing pandemic. They’re good to adapt, especially when so many overseas attendees might not be able to attend due to travel restrictions.
Anyone thinking of going next year? Holla in the comments.