The latest update to Beatport LINK‘s Pro subscription – which runs at $30 USD per month – comes with a new feature that may be the appeal it needs to draw more users to the service. The Offline Locker storage feature, which previously allowed its subscribers to download 50 tracks for offline play, has increased its capacity to allow for 1,000. Yep, that’s usable tracks sans wi-fi.
It’s a substantial jump that makes offline playlists a more feasible and realistically useful feature. There’s a practical opportunity here to focus your spend on becoming a monthly Beatport LINK subscriber where you can create, maintain, and utilize playlists built from from Beatport’s catalogue, then download and use them for gigs as you’d like without having to rely on an internet connection. When it comes to cost, consider the amount you’d spend on buying tracks for a gig (or a few) to download into your library. This Offline Locker capability gives you 1,000 tracks – which would put you back $1.29 per track for an MP3 download, or more if you’re grabbing WAV or AIFF if you were to purchase the file directly.

For artists who play often in scenarios where there’s no guaranteed internet connection – at festivals, at gatherings in the middle of no-man’s-land, at events with spotty service, and even just prepping your music while you’re en route, you get the idea – this could be immensely useful. You can rotate the tracks in and out of your playlists whenever you’d like, too.
Worth noting: at this time, the Offline Storage feature is not supported on Traktor Pro or Denon’s Engine OS integrations.
Beatport LINK Pro has a 30-day-free trial running – you can get more details and sign up on the Beatport website. Let us know what you think here: would this make you sign up?