Yes, auto mixing is the ultimate anti-dj tool and goes against everything we stand for. But then there are weddings, or opening sets where a over-zealous club owner has requested that you start playing before the doors have even been opened. Its during these times that auto mix and an open wifi connection allow me to catch up on deep back logs of Dj TechTools mail. Traktor is equipped with a nifty “auto-play” feature but it only cross fades and requires building a good play list. Auto mixing that includes beat matching and cross fading directly in I tunes would be the ultimate lazy dj tool.
“AccuBeatMix, the beat match & mix plugin for iTunes”
- perfect beat-matching transitions
- Completely automatic
- switch tracks anytime without losing the beat
- seamless iTunes integration
- Free to try
- License package includes BPMer.
Perhaps you want your auto mix to be a bit more impressive and “bulky”? Then you could always invest in a pair of robots:
Speaking of deep email back logs, I might as well take this opportunity to apologize if we have taken a long time responding to your emails. Dj TechTools receives a very large number of emails every day asking for details and advise. Between those emails and all the work required to keep our new projects up and running, its safe to say I have been falling behind. So, yes, please continue to send us emails. Send as many as you want but if we take a week to get back to you please don’t hold it against us? 🙂