After a long dry spell, the Dj TechTools store finally has a few VCI-100’s back in stock. The regular ones sold out lickity split (more coming in 2 weeks) but we have 5 Arcade versions that are still up for grabs. I know they are a little pricey but seriously, you will know where that extra $300 went after playing with those buttons. Cant afford to drop $$$ on a controller right now? Then check out some more incredible photos of custom controllers after the drop.
They have come a long way..
The arcade editions we are making now have come a long way from my original mod which was a bit of a mess but kind of lovable in a DIY sort of way. Here are just a few of the custom controllers we have made for other readers.
Why should you buy a controller from us? Where does that money go? Right back into making the Dj TechTools community better and stronger. Believe me when I honestly say that 100% of the profits go to pay for servers, web development and most importantly much needed help that make Dj TechTools a million times better. It was only a few months ago that my email response time was bordering on a month! With profits from controllers I was able to start paying Bento and Phil to help keep this place running. Now we can write more articles, answer more questions and keep the community growing.
Want to do this project yourself? Of course we provide all the goods! In about 3 weeks you can get a kit that contains:
- A detailed tutorial DVD
- the cut files for the machine shop
- pre-soldered lead cables
- arcade overlays
- arcade buttons of your choice