After well over two years of selling the iconic Midi Fighter Classic, we’re announcing a final sale of 150 units of the hand-assembled, industry inspiring buttonmasher. During the month of November, we’ll be dropping the price of a Midi Fighter Classic to $125 for the final units. We’re in the process of updating the product, and these will be the final units of its kind.
A lot of people who we’ve shared this news with have asked worriedly if this means that the Midi Fighter Classic is a dead product – so we want to clear this up. The Classics will continue to be supported, not only by a massive community of users but also in our official mappings. We’ll continue to provide technical support for the units, likely for many years to come.
As noted above, there are only 150 of the Midi Fighter Classics left in our store, so this will be the last chance to get one!
Pick up a Midi Fighter Classic in the DJ TechTools Store!