Update In the Oven
If your a Traktor Pro user, keep your eye on the service center for a free update coming your way...
If your a Traktor Pro user, keep your eye on the service center for a free update coming your way...
.. In this post about live loop recording inside traktor I was using a simple technique to re-voice static samples...
Its a great time to be a digital dj, with your sources for good quality mp3s and digital dance tracks...
Continuing our Traktor Centric week of next level tips, here are 2 easy ways you can enable smart knob functionality...
As a follow up to last Fridays post demonstrating live recording here are the steps required to set up live...
Everyone knows Ableton is an amazing loop sampler for creating music on the fly with Kid beyond and many others...
Are you an expert in some area of digital djing? Perhaps you know a few cool tricks that you might...
One of your main challenges as you learn how to DJ is figuring out how to take two totally different songs...