Following their announcement of a non-DVS mixer and professional-grade fader range, Italian company Mixars is again on the radar with...
Choke has put out some amazing finger drumming soundpack videos recently - including the new "Kubrik" video (below). Find out...
Once again we're kicking off our annual week-long DJ and producer sale with 10 to 50% off the very best...
There's an entire industry surrounding protective cases for musical equipment gear. Specialized hard and soft road cases exist for almost...
A dedicated DJ booth is one of the best things you can have to make sure you regularly practice at...
Last week, Native Instruments launched the brand new version of Traktor 2.11. One of the key features: a step sequencer...
DJ Techtools' earliest products (VCI-100 Arcade, Midi Fighter) were based on the idea of taking traditional DJ control surfaces and...
Did you know that DJ TechTools manufactured and released a powerful controller for DJs and producers that was designed by...