The DVS and controller worlds have been largely separated until now. The analogue mixer is almost always the center of attention for...
Native Instruments has announced a free Traktor Scratch Pro upgrade to all users of the S4 who register their product...
For your viewing pleasure I offer up a quick demo of two models from our new, sold out Midi Fighter...
Sometimes I ask myself, what is the point of all this musical manipulation? How far should we take the exploration...
We are back with another segment of our popular series: "What's in your DJ bag"? This time it's international globe...
In today's article we've pulled an old relic out from the archives, polished it off, and realized- hey this is... For the past year we have been experimenting with various Midi Fighter configurations in our search to find the...
Several videos have popped up on the internet this week that each explore an interesting concept for using a standard...