Serato Scratch is a very popular tool for DJs around the world but one area it lacks strength is in...
For your viewing pleasure I offer up a quick demo of two models from our new, sold out Midi Fighter...
Sometimes I ask myself, what is the point of all this musical manipulation? How far should we take the exploration...
We are back with another segment of our popular series: "What's in your DJ bag"? This time it's international globe...
We love this guy! In the video above, he absolutely slays a street corner performance with amazing passion, true wisdom,... For the past year we have been experimenting with various Midi Fighter configurations in our search to find the...
Several emails have landed in my inbox lately asking for ways to use four decks inside Traktor effectively. The obvious...
The first round of "DJ" apps, made a lot of people rightfully question their place in the clubs. Sure enough...