Choke has put out some amazing finger drumming soundpack videos recently - including the new "Kubrik" video (below). Find out...
One of the best things about having outboard gear in a studio is being able to step away from the...
Remotify is a platform to challenge the unknown void of scripting in Ableton and bring custom control surfaces to the...
Now in its second year, Loop, a temporary faculty-installation organized by Ableton, brought together pro-users and enthusiasts in Berlin for...
When ill.Gates waxes poetic on music production processes, it's clear that he's spent uncountable hours in the studio. In today's...
Trying to perfect a kick/bass mixdown and it’s going nowhere? It's hard to tell what you're hearing because your neighbors have asked you to wear...
For rising producers who are ready to go beyond self-release and promotion, there's a clear "next step". Submitting your tracks...
Native Instruments' music production line has taken a huge step with the introduction of their Maschine Jam controller. The Jam...